Past Speakers - 2004

FEB 02 Gene Cassidy,
SE Regional manager for 30 years with IRS & Controller
for 14 years with Culverhouse and Botts
Gene spent 30 years with the IRS and was the SE Regional manager. He was then controller for 14 years with Culverhouse and Botts in Tampa, Florida which owned many businesses including the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Today Gene teaches GED at the Cumming Detention Center and also English as a second language to the Hispanic community. Gene will present insights from his 30 years at the IRS that can be helpful as tax time approaches! Be sure to attend and get to know your neighbors!!!

MAY 04 Chuck Pickron,
Delta Airline Pilot (Retired)
Chuck is one of several Delta Airline pilots who live in Polo who shared insights from his many years at Delta. Chuck flew L-1011s to Europe prior to retirement.

AUG 14 Jack Conway,
Polo Resident and a Retired Engineer
Jack Conway, Polo Resident and a retired engineer, was elected commissioner from District 1 in his first run for public office in 2002. He was the unanimous choice for chairman even though he was a first-term commissioner. Jack will talk about his background and his experience as commission chairman.

NOV 13 Heinz Wegener,
President of Cross Technologies, Inc.
Heinz is President of Cross Technologies, Inc., and former Chairman and Executive Vice President of Wegener Corporation, a publicly traded company. Both companies manufacture satellite communications equipment. Heinz has also held engineering positions at Scientific-Atlanta, Georgia Tech, General Electric, and Magnavox. Heinz and his family emigrated from Germany in 1951, and he has been married to his wife Nan for over 37 years. In 1978, he founded Wegener Communications which began in his laundry room and has grown to become an international supplier of satellite communications equipment. Heinz will talk about founding Wegener and splitting off Cross as a small, private company 10 years ago and what he has learned in the process.

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